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A walk in Denmark means a stroll through the centuries. From their world-record-holding national flag to boasting numerous palaces as one of the earliest monarchies, the castle capital of Europe holds history close.

With Millennium Tours’ help and expertise in international travel, we at Baylor Theatre Abroad fully castled Denmark’s capital thanks to our Copenhagen Cards.

With this travel tool, you can visit historic sites, popular landmarks, and city attractions all for a collective price. As your newly minted resident castle expert, keep reading to see which Copenhagen Castle suits you.

If you described your tastes as classic and elegant, you may enjoy Christiansborg Palace.

Christiansborg Palace

Christiansborg Palace served as the royal palace of Denmark until 1794; as a current center for Danish Parliament, the grounds still host dozens of well-dressed and esteemed peoples. While visiting Christiansborg, everyone in the family has an opportunity for fun. The Royal Reception Rooms hold Danish history, antique furniture, and an exquisite set of modern tapestries commissioned by the current queen. I’ve never seen such a rainbow of color in a royal room! Below the castle lay the ruins, often themed for interactive family-friendly exhibits. We got our fair share of art-and-crafts creatures on our trip. There’s also a church, stables, and even a theatre on the palace grounds! For picturesque snapshots and a peek into Danish royal history, this is the castle for you.

If you’re a bit dramatic or have a desire for fresh sea air, Kronborg Castle has your heart.

Helsingor/Kronborg Castle

Once a royal residence, Helsingor’s castle is Copenhagen’s most famous castle thanks to an English quill. William Shakespeare immortalized Kronborg when he set it as the location for his famous tragedy, Hamlet. As a theatre student visiting such a site, I can confirm that the crashing waves, tunnels beneath the towers, and long halls are quite the theatrical setting for a moody prince. With luck, you can catch some players re-enacting scenes from Hamlet, try stilt-walking in the courtyard, or even have a picnic on its rocky shore. This was my personal favorite, as both a theatre lover and a fresh air kind of woman.

For those with a sense of humour and history, try Rosenborg Castle.

Rosenborg Castle

Though she be little, Rosenborg Castle be fierce. Small is a relative term when it comes to royal residences, but let it be known this castle has quite the personality. Home to over 400 years of Danish history, here you will find monarchial pranks, gardens galore, and of course the crown jewels. Make sure you read the map’s short insights about the details of the castle in order to catch all the laughs and wonders!

You can access all of these royal residences simply by using your Copenhagen Card! Castles away!

Christiansborg Castle, library
Christiansborg Castle, the Queen's tapestries!!
Krongborg Castle, BUT students napping in a castle bed
Kronborg Castle, whimsical door to the dungeons
Rosenborg Castle, walls
Rosenborg Castle, intricate clock

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