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A quick trip to Normandy and Paris sounds like a hard task. Thanks to Millennium Tours and their great planning, I was lucky to go to France for a long weekend.

Normandy is not the vacation spot people think of when they visit France. Most tourists want to go straight to Paris or go to the South of France. However, after visiting Normandy, I can say it’s a must see.

Normandy is a beautiful part of France with rich history and breathtaking views. We were fortunate to stay the night in Bayeux for a night, a quaint town with great culture.  We stayed right near the city centre and enjoyed exploring the town, the little shops, and eating local French food. Our time in Bayeux was just a pitstop for the night before our Normandy tour the next morning, but it was the perfect spot for the night to just relax.

Our day-long tour seeing historical sights in Normandy was very sobering. The gorgeous sights on the cliffs and beaches were accompanied by bomb craters, and cemeteries. Learning about historic places we were walking on, it was fascinating. We saw German bunkers that remain tucked in the cliffs and walked Omaha beach where thousands of Americans fought on D-Day.

We also visited the American Memorial Cemetery that sat at the top of a cliff that overlooked Omaha beach. It was a beautiful place but eerie to see all the American people who lost their lives in World War II. Being in the cemetery after walking the beach and seeing bunkers really put things in perspective and made me proud to be an American.

Although our trip to Normandy was quick, I would recommend to anyone visiting France to make a day out of visiting all of the historic and beautiful sights of Normandy. We left the scenic and sobering sights of Normandy for the commotion and craziness of Paris.

Paris in two days can be challenging. There’s so many landmarks and places to visit that doing it in a short amount of time is not easy. We had just the weekend in Paris and we all were anxious to see all we could. I would definitely recommend planning what you want to do in Paris in advance because some people were not able to see things they wanted to because the tickets sold out.

We were lucky to snatch tickets to the Louvre thanks to our museum pass given from the Millennium Tours. We also saw Sainte Chapelle Cathedral with the most beautiful stained glass I have ever seen.

Must see spots like that take up a lot of time in Paris because of how crowded it is there. That’s why planning ahead to make time is important. Think of the few places you really want to see and prioritize them. If you end up having some free time in between or at the

We also spent a good portion of one of our days in Versailles. The train there took about an hour and then we walked about 20 minutes from the station to the palace. The palace is the most extravagant place I have ever seen and you can spend a whole day looking at all of it. I highly recommend carving out time to go to Versailles.

If you want to see all the spots in Paris you want to see, you’ll need more than two days. I am grateful for the time I was there but with how busy it is there, to see all there is to offer a few more days would be best!

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